Board of Directors

Tim Guinee

Tim Guinee

Actor, director, and Climate Action Now President


Tim Guinee (he/him)

Actor, director, and Climate Action Now President

Stone Ridge, NY
Trained in 2017 Colorado, mentored 9 times: 2018 Los Angeles, 2019 Atlanta, 2019 Minneapolis, July 2020 Global Training, August 2020 Global Training, 2021 US Training, 2021 Global Training, 2022 Las Vegas, 2023 IRA, Speaker at multiple trainings

Tim Guinee is the President of Climate Action Now and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Commission on Accelerating Climate Solutions. He is the founder of The Climate Actors, serves on the Advisory Council of Riverkeeper, the Advisory Board of the Center for Earth Ethics, and the Board of Directors at the Ashokan Center (New York's oldest outdoor environmental education center). He is the official climate change liaison for the town of Marbletown, NY with the Climate Mayors, and serves as the New York Legislative-Action Director for the New York Climate Reality Chapters Coalition, as well as the co-chair of the Hudson Valley & Catskills Chapter (which he also founded). Tim has done significant work at the state level, including helping the passage of CLCPA, and has also secured dozens of local wins for the 100% Committed campaign. He has also delivered presentations for varied audiences, including conservative fire departments, Houston oil-industry executives and maximum-security inmates. For his significant contributions to Climate Reality, Tim was awarded the Alfredo Sirkis Memorial Green Ring Award by Vice-President Gore in 2020. Tim holds a BFA from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, and later received an honorary doctorate.

Tim is an accomplished film and television actor. He is best known for his work on projects such as Horizon, The Staircase, Inventing Anna, Homeland, Hell on Wheels, The Good Wife, and Elementary, and notable film work includes Iron Man I & II, The Doors, Heaven and Earth, Two Men in Town, How to Make an American Quilt. Tim has produced events including Unheard Voices - a benefit to support the work of Doctor's Without Borders during the Rwandan genocide, held at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he produced a series of benefits to help save famous New York venues, including The Westbank Cafe, Birdland, the York Theater Company, and Philip Seymour Hoffman's LAByrinth Theater Company.

Shawn Harpen

Shawn Harpen

Attorney-at-Law, Corporate Governance, Legal Ethics & Sustainable Development Professional


Shawn Harpen (she/her)

Attorney-at-Law, Corporate Governance, Legal Ethics & Sustainable Development Professional

Las Vegas, NV // Newport Beach, CA
Annual Climate Reality supporter
Climate Reality Leader trained in Minneapolis in 2019, Mentor and Speaker at Las Vegas training in 2022

Shawn Harpen has led teams in legal, business, professional, and nonprofit organizations for the last 25 years. After practicing as a litigator and corporate governance attorney, and then as chief legal officer and general counsel of Patrón Spirits International AG, in 2019, she directed her focus toward addressing challenges of climate change. She became an active member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps, and obtained a Public Leadership Credential from Harvard Kennedy School, as well as graduate certificates in Environmental Policy and International Development and Corporate Sustainability and Innovation from Harvard Extension School, where she is an ALM candidate in Sustainability. Currently, she is the founder and CEO of Px3 Legal Consulting Corporation, where she assists clients in governance, policy development and other legal matters, with a focus on the three components of the triple bottom line: people, planet, and profit.

Shawn serves as a member of the board of directors and chair of the audit committee for the Starlight Children’s Foundation. In addition, she is a special advisor to the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Professional Regulation, a member of the Local Rules Advisory Committee of the US District Court for the Central District of California, a life fellow of the American Bar Foundation, and a fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America.

Larry J. Schweiger

Larry J. Schweiger

Chief Executive Officer of PennFuture


Larry J. Schweiger

Chief Executive Officer of PennFuture

A lifelong environmentalist and native of western Pennsylvania, Larry Schweiger was appointed president and chief executive officer of PennFuture in July 2015. He was formerly the president and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation, where he served as president for 10 years and an additional 14 years as the federation’s senior vice president of conservation programs and in other federation capacities. Under Schweiger’s leadership, fighting climate change became the group's top priority. Schweiger was also first vice president of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and president and chief executive officer of the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy for more than eight years. He served as executive director of the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee for the Pennsylvania General Assembly. Schweiger is the founding chairman of the National Institute for Conservation Leadership, an organization dedicated to strengthening volunteer leadership in America’s conservation and environmental organizations. He worked with former Vice President Al Gore to launch Climate Reality, and currently serves on the organization’s board and as chair of the Climate Reality Action Fund. Schweiger also acted as the founding executive director of the Friends of Gettysburg National Parks, the most successful national park friends' organization in the nation. For his many conservation efforts, Waynesburg University honored him with a Doctor of Humane Letters. In 2011, PennFuture presented him its Visionary Award for leadership in raising awareness about the impacts of climate change and for his commitment to clean energy solutions. Schweiger is married with three daughters and five grandsons, and lives in the North Hills of Pittsburgh. He is an avid fresh and saltwater angler, boater and canoeist; highly regarded nature photographer; and author. His book, “Last Chance: Preserving Life on Earth,” won first prize for nonfiction and first prize for science at the 2011 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. He is currently finishing a second book.